The Hockey Hall of Fame is committed to providing an environment accessible and open to all guests visiting the facility.
Assistive devices
Hockey Hall of Fame will strive to ensure that staff are familiar with assistive devices that may be used by guests while accessing the facility.
Staff members' communication with guests with disabilities will take into account their disability.
Service animals
Guests with disabilities and their service animals are welcome at the Hockey Hall of Fame. Service animals are permitted in areas of our premises that are open to the public.
Support persons
One support person will be admitted complimentary to assist a guest with a disability. We will notify guests of this at the Admission desk of the Hockey Hall of Fame.
Notice of temporary disruption
In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to services or facilities for guests with disabilities (such as ramps and / or elevators) Hockey Hall of Fame staff will notify guests at the Admission desk and inside the facility. Guests with disabilities will be informed of the reason for the disruption and its anticipated length of time. In addition, guests with disabilities will be offered a refund of their admission or complimentary tickets to return at a later date if the guest with disabilities feels the disruption had a negative impact on their visiting experience.
Notice of Temporary Disruption:
From January 6 - February 28, 2025, the elevator servicing the Esso Great Hall will be out of service for necessary repairs.
The Esso Great Hall will remain open and is accessible by the connecting staircase. We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
Training for staff
Hockey Hall of Fame will provide training to the following full-time employees; Manager, Merchandise and Retail Operations, Manager, Guest Services and Public Relations, Associate Manager, Retail Services and Associate Manager, Guest Services. Part-time staff training will be conducted on an ongoing basis.
Training will include:
Feedback process
Anyone who requires further assistance, wishes to provide feedback regarding their guest experience at the Hockey Hall of Fame or submit a comment may complete a Persons with Disabilities Customer Service Feedback Form and submit it to Tyler Wolosewich, Manager, Guest Services and Public Relations by email at or in person at the Hockey Hall of Fame. To address feedback in the most efficient and professional manner all submissions will be reviewed by the Hockey Hall of Fame Health and Safety committee. Hockey Hall of Fame guests can expect to receive a response within 10 business days.
Modifications to this or other policies
Any policy of the Hockey Hall of Fame that does not respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities will be modified or removed. Staff will be notified when updates are made to the Accessibility Policy and Accessible Customer Service Plan.